First Degree (Choose a Different Test)

  1. What was the original name of the Order of the Arrow?
  2. Who was the second Arrowman in the Order of the Arrow to keep his Vigil?
  3. What is the Maury Clancy Indian Scholarship Fund established in 1971?
  4. What was the significance of the formation of Puvunga Lodge in Long Beach Area Council in 2012?
  5. What national OA Award, introduced at the 1969 NOAC and first presented at the 1971 NOAC, was designed to be both a tribute and testimonial to E. Urner Goodman’s commitment to Scout camping and summer camp?
  6. In the early years of WWW, the Grand Lodge undertook responsibilities so that each individual lodge would not have to duplicate the same effort. Which of the below is an example of the Grand Lodge taking on a responsibility for the benefit of local lodges?
  7. Which of the following has been a tradition of the Order of the Arrow when observing a major anniversary?
  8. Joseph Csatari became the official BSA artist in 1977 and received the Order's Red Arrow Award in 2004. Which iconic painting did Joseph Csatari paint for the Order of the Arrow?
  9. What did the Order of the Arrow do to observe their 50th Anniversary in 1965?
  10. Which of the following was a NOAC theme?