Third Degree (Choose a Different Test)

  1. What member of the National Order of the Arrow Committee was selected to be the BSA's National Commissioner, one of the National Key Three?
  2. Dr. William Hinkle had such passion for Scouting that he gave up a successful dental practice to become a professional Scouter. An early member of Unami Lodge, Hinkle was the seventh Third Degree (Vigil Honor) member and one of the eleven inaugural Distinguished Service Award (DSA) recipients. In what area of service is Dr. Hinkle most associated?
  3. As legend has it, why was the name of our Order not used at the first induction on July 16, 1915?
  4. What was E. Urner Goodman's first professional Scouting position?
  5. Longtime National OA Committee member Don Thom was known for his service enlightening and transforming the OA's relationship with the Native American community. What series of national events did he work with to further that effort?
  6. In 1935, which of the following changes to terminology were made by the Order of the Arrow?
  7. Where was the 1915 organizational meeting held, that established that Wimachtendienk would be continued and not just a single summer event?
  8. On the night of November 12, 1932, fifteen Arrowmen, selected by their lodge or chapter for initiation into the Second Degree (Brotherhood), were introduced to the Grand Lodge Chieftain Robroy Price and then went through the Second Degree ceremony. Among those fifteen were three members of Owasippe Lodge's Takodah Chapter. Those three men were Dr. William H. Benson, Emerson James and Horatio W. Isbell. What made this particular ceremony special?
  9. Who is the only Arrowman to serve both as a youth National Chief and as the National OA Committee Chairman?
  10. In 1988, who was admitted into the OA for the first time?