Is your lodge looking for a new idea to encourage and promote Brotherhood conversion? Lodges across the country are turning to the nimat programs, using Brotherhood Hikes, as a way to deepen the bonds of brotherhood among Arrowmen who choose to seal their membership in our Order.
The Brotherhood Hike can vary from lodge to lodge but, for most part, the concept is pretty much the same. Lodges start the hike in silence, with their guide - or nimat - leading the way. As the Brotherhood candidates head toward the ring, their guide will periodically ask each brother questions about his or her Scouting past, present and future. Next, a lot of guides will discuss the importance of the Obligation of our Order and the importance of our brothers sealing their membership in our society. Many would say that once a fellow brother decides to go for Brotherhood, he is taking the big step to show his devotion to be a part of our organization.
Patrick Mapp, Chief of Ini-to Lodge, explained how the Brotherhood Hike works in his lodge. "Ini-To Brotherhood candidates usually have a short walk from the starting point to the ring before their ceremony," Mapp explained. "The guide of the walk will ask questions about each candidates' Scouting career, including questions about who has inspired them during their life, what they plan to do from now to the future, about the rest of their Scouting life and what regrets, if any, they may have. Questions are usually answered along the walk to ceremony ring. These walks help the Brotherhood candidates understand what's to happen from here on out, or pretty much what's next in their OA lives."
Although not all lodges have a program like this one for their new Brotherhood members, many have found it to be an addition to the Brotherhood conversion. The Brotherhood Hike gives an extra sense of accomplishment and understanding to each of our members. Each candidate is able to reflect on the things they've learned not just in the order but also in Scouting overall. To this point, each person has learned the Obligation, song, signs, and most importantly the legend of the Order. Through this they are able to see the whole point of what is meant by the bonds of brotherhood. The hike also helps brothers understand the symbolism of both the Brotherhood and Ordeal ceremonies.
If your lodge is looking to start their own walk for your Brotherhood candidates, there are some online resources to help you get started. The Guide to Inductions, available on the National OA web site, has a resource that describes the Brotherhood Hike and contains suggestions for how to implement it in your lodge. Tsisqan Lodge from section W-1S in Oregon has a well written instructional guide for the Brotherhood Hike, including points of when to speak, what questions to ask and how long to take with each set of questions for their nimats to use with the Brotherhood Hike in their lodge . Their hike is set into four different divisions: first they discuss different adults who have had an influence on their lives; next the importance of living the Obligation of our Order, the importance of leadership; and, lastly, they focus on reflection on the things previously discussed in the hike, their Scouting careers, their families or just a time in prayer.
Although the Brotherhood Hike can be a great experience for all members who are ready for Brotherhood conversion, the hike is not a requirement and cannot be forced upon any one candidate if he or she chooses not to participate. It is however encouraged that the guide explain the significance of the hike and how it can help them with a in better understanding of our Order.
Patrick Yim
Lodge Ledger