This year, every Arrowman has the chance to earn the Arrowman Service Award. The purpose of the award is to encourage Arrowmen to recommit themselves to the ideals of the Order, increase their level of service to their local unit and council and participate in the 100th anniversary celebration of the OA. One of the optional ASA requirements is to attend your lodge’s sponsored centennial event. These events can be everything from service projects to birthday parties, and many of them will go down as the best events your lodge has ever hosted. Listed below are examples of lodges that have already planned or had their centennial events. Take these ideas and incorporate your own into your home lodge to make your centennial event special!
Tschipey Achtu Lodge of Seneca Waterways Council in New York used their annual banquet as their 100th anniversary event. At the banquet there was a large banner which read "OA 100th anniversary" with the lodge name in subscript. Each member in attendance traced their handprint and signed their name onto the banner. Members can add their handprints and names to the banner throughout the year, after which the banner will never be written on again and will become a permanent part of their lodge’s history.
Seminole Lodge of Gulf Ridge Council in Florida is making their spring conclave a 100th anniversary event. Their event focuses on chapter-versus-chapter competitions. The competitions are sports-based, including volleyball, tug of war and dodgeball to prepare for their upcoming Section S-4 Conclave. Vice Chief of Administration Mitchell Guida is most looking forward to their OA 100th anniversary birthday party. "We will be throwing one of the biggest birthday parties the lodge has ever seen! We will have lights, music, cake, a bounce house, a dunk tank, unlimited slushies, a waterslide, balloons, party hats, piñatas, paracord bracelet making and so much more!" stated Guida.
Jaccos Towne Lodge of Crossroads of America Council in Indiana is making their spring fellowship an “OA birthday bash.” Friday night will kick off the party with carnival games. Those who play will have a chance to win gift cards to the lodge trading post. On Saturday chapters will compete as teams in a variety of birthday-themed events including a birthday card scavenger hunt and a dutch-oven cake baking contest with the ultimate goal of being crowned top chapter and getting to take home the lodge's traveling trophy. Lodge Chief Robby Kile said, "My favorite is the cake baking and decorating contest. Cakes will be made in dutch ovens with just-add-water cake mix, and then the teams have to decorate them in a centennial fashion."
Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge of Atlanta Area Council in Georgia is holding a centennial celebration. Their program theme is "Looking to the Past: Preparing for the Future." Friday will focus on "Looking to the Past" culminating in a performance of the 1915 Ordeal Ceremony. Saturday will be "Preparing for the Future" with many activities throughout the day such as climbing, shooting sports, merit badges and an Indian Pow Wow. Saturday night will feature a member rededication and calling out of the centennial Vigil Honor class. The lodge has also arranged for the region chief, section officers and numerous other lodge chiefs and officers to attend and take part in their centennial celebration. Lodge Chief Christian Goerner said "This event is shaping up to be one of the largest and best events Egwa Tawa Dee has ever had!"
If you want take an active role in the OA’s centennial anniversary, these events provide the perfect opportunity to do so. Find out when your lodge is holding their sponsored centennial event and take advantage of the awesome programs that are sure to be part of it!
Clayton Carte
Lodge Ledger Centennial 2015