Section leaders: How many of your lodges have submitted their Legacy Lid? If the answer is less than 100%, this is your opportunity to help your lodges complete this important centennial task.
Many section gatherings and Conclaves are scheduled for this spring, summer, and fall. Have you thought of providing program time and a space to let lodges complete their lids? Your section could even provide blank lids and supplies for lodges to use as materials. No better opportunity exists this year to gather all the lodges in your section together aside from your Conclave, so be sure to make the most of it and schedule time to paint Legacy Lids. This is a great opportunity to support the Order of the Arrow's efforts to receive 100% submissions from all lodges. Your section should feel free to make this a friendly contest amongst the lodges for the most creative and thoughtful designs. At the end of Conclave, a section representative should photograph each lid and submit them per the instructions available here - be sure to click on the link and read the instructions carefully.
Conclave is also a great opportunity for sections to support the lodge history project by facilitating a historian training. Each lodge is being asked to select a youth chairman and adviser to compile a lodge history book as part of the centennial celebration. Your section could help by offering a training session for these youth chairmen and advisers. If you are interested in hosting such a training or want more information, you can email @email.
Thank you for helping to ensure that all lodges will have an opportunity to be a part of the 100th anniversary celebration.
Todd Goldfarb
Section Sentinel Centennial 2015