The National Training Subcommittee needs your help to improve training across the country. Recently, the subcommittee has undertaken an effort to review each of its training programs and look for ways to have a bigger impact on Arrowmen. As part of their efforts, the subcommittee is looking for feedback on the Conclave Training Initiative program. Section officers and advisers have until October 16th to give their feedback.
The purpose of the Conclave Training Initiative (CTI) is to provide at least one training session each year for sections to use to augment their own conclave training. It was created based on a goal from the 2003-2007 OA Strategic Plan calling for " initiative to enhance learning opportunities at section conclaves".
Each year, the Training Subcommittee provides a syllabus and training support material that is distributed to each section chief at the December national planning meeting. This process provides training support to sections and also serves as a vehicle to deliver consistent messages on specific training topics across the nation.
"Conclave is an opportunity for Arrowmen with diverse backgrounds to come together to learn and share different ideas, making CTI an imperative program of the Order of the Arrow," says task force member John Rehm.
Currently, the task force is reviewing the purpose of the Conclave Training Initiative, the method in which training is implemented, and future possibilities for the program. The task force is interested in hearing about the effectiveness of the current sessions and methods of delivering conclave training. Once the subcommittee gets your feedback, it will work to implement future plans for improving the CTI program.