The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the 1981 National Order of the Arrow Conference - George Andrews, Nelson Craig Bass, Robert Dale Beaty, Hugh T. Bender Sr., Jeffrey Thomas Britton, Larry Brown, Paul Webb Carter, James L. Chandler, Gary D. Christiansen, Joseph D. Clark, James W. Clough, Richard E. Gingras, Richard W. Good, Jerry L. Harben, Samuel H. Hathaway, Jeff Herrmann, William H. Hofmann, Roger Hoyme, Eugene Jackson Jr., James E. Johnson, Brian Kasal, Joseph Alexander, Charles Rowan Lindsay, Leonard Louis Lucchi, Robert D. Matthews, Joseph J. Merton, J.M. Montgomery, Danny R. Musick, Sherwood F. "Rick" Obermeyer, Robert L. Pattison Jr., Donald A. Peters, Edgar W. Reeves, Stephen Douglas Shawley, Herbert H. "Dusty" Sparks Jr., John Haywood Taylor, Robert S. Thornton, Jody Troyan, Edward J. Wacker and Stephen F. Willis.
1981 DSA Class