The Order of the Arrow Ocean Adventure (OAOA) was created in 2005 and is the third high adventure program created under the Order of the Arrow. The program itself is based out of Florida National High Adventure Sea Base and participants spend the first week of their adventure becoming PADI certified SCUBA divers at the base itself and in the waters of the Florida Keys. The second week of the program, Arrowmen use their PADI certifications to dive and aid local research agencies with fish counts, under water cleanup projects, illegal dumping watches and wildlife safety inspections. At the base itself, participants do service work within the base and aid in different areas to give back to crews enjoying their Sea Base experience. The Order of the Arrow Ocean Adventure was reworked over the summers of 2009 and 2010 and returns in the summer of 2011 as a service based program that will take participants to Big Munson Island and Crane Point for cheerful service that includes trail work, the removal of invasive species and preserving wildlife habitats. The second part of this new adventure will take participants on a four-day sailing journey and give them the true sailor experience. This new program will now be based out of the Florida Sea Base’s Brinton Environmental Center, the launch point for crews to Big Munson Island.
First Order of the Arrow OA Ocean Adventure