The Language of the OA encompasses style, usage, and grammar norms observed by both the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow. The OA has developed this resource so that communications at every level of the organization are more consistent. Through periodic updates of terminology, it will become a more comprehensive primary resource to ensure chapters, lodges, sections and regions are aware of terms and style specific to the OA.
For more information on broader Scouting terms not commonly used in day-to-day OA operations, please visit The Language of Scouting and BSA Style Manual. To suggest an update and/or edit of The Language of the OA, please email @email.
Official social hashtag used to promote OA High Adventure programs and anything outdoors related.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to promote the Arrowman Service Award, and all other service related endevors in the Order of the Arrow.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag for anything relating to the general ArrowTour program.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social media hashtag used to promote the OA to potential members, Scoutmasters, parents, and/or non-members.
Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag of the "Dare to Do" movement, in which participants pledge to preform one act of service each day, and then share it on social media. Used at the beggining or conclusion of posts.
Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag of the OA's staff presence at the 2017 National Jamboree.
Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to promote OA hackathons. Used during and after event in social media posts.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag of centennial anniversary communications. Used within or at the conclusion of social posts.
Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to generally promote the Order of the Arrow.
Official social hashtag used to promote OA Canadian Odyssey at Northern Tier.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to generally promote OA High Adventure programs.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to promote OA Ocean Adventure at the Florida Sea Base.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to promote OA Summit Experience at Summit Bechtel Reserve.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to promote OA Trail Crew at Philmont Scout Ranch.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to promote OA Wilderness Voyage at Northern Tier.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
Official social hashtag used to promote OA-centric training events and initiatives.
Used within or at the conclusion of social posts. Do not use outside social media posts unless it is used to promote the hashtag. Capitalize as shown.
A NOAC 2015 incentive program that challenges lodges to bring 100 or more of their members to the conference.
Capitalize as shown.
A member of the Order of the Arrow who is at least 21 years of age, is responsible to the Scout executive, supervises the program, and guides, counsels, and mentors youth on an Order of the Arrow organization or committee (e.g, lodge adviser, staff adviser, ceremony team adviser, etc.).
Capitalize in sentence case, unless it is used to precede a person’s name. Do not use “advisor” in the OA (more info).
"Johnny Scout is a lodge adviser," "Na Tsi Hi Lodge Adviser Johnny Scout"
American Indian Activities Committee
Should not be used in guest communications.
This term is preferred to "Native American" when referring to Indigenous People of the continental United States. "Native American" also applies to include native peoples of the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Guam. When possible, be required and use the name of a specific tribe, Such as "Chinook tribe," "Chinook Indian tribe."
Capitalize as shown.
Annual publication of the National Order of the Arrow Committee that details organizational operations and achievements for the previous year and presents a current vision for the future.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
Activities and Recreation Committee
Should not be used in guest communications.
An administrative section of a BSA region containing a number of councils. Organizational equivalent of a section within the Order of the Arrow, though it is possible for one area to have multiple sections. In the OA, sections contain a number of lodges (charted to the council). Regions have from five to eight areas.
Capitalize in sentence case unless referring to a specific area. When referring to a specific area, use numerals.
Area 1, Area 4, "an area event"
In September 2017, the island of Puerto Rico was devastated by a category five hurricane; Maria. Many people in affected areas lost power for months, and suffered extreme property damage. The council camp in Puerto Rico, Camp Guajataka, suffered intense damage. Later that year, a group of Arrowmen from Section NE-5 created a patch fundraiser to assist with cleanup and repair efforts. After raising over $50,000, ArrowCorps Puerto Rico was born - a weeklong service project with 100 Arrowmen from across the country, rebuilding Camp Guajataka. Held in the spring of 2018, the week of service made Camp Guajataka operational for the upcoming camping season.
Capitalize as shown. An Arrowman who attends ArrowCorps Puerto Rico is named a "participant."
A national OA service project where over 3600 Arrowmen provided over 280,000 man-hours of service to our National Parks. Sites included the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Manti-La Sal National Forest, the Mark Twain National Forest, and the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests.
Capitalize and italicized as shown. If possible, the 5 should be superscript.
The Arrowhead of Service award is given annually by the national chairman and recognizes the recipient(s) for going above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a member of the National Order of the Arrow Committee.
Capitalize as shown.
A youth or adult member of the Order of the Arrow.
Capitalize as shown. Plural form: Arrowmen.
A traveling centennial program conducted in each of the four regions during the summer of 2015.
Capitalize as shown. If specifying a region, capitalize the first letter of the region.
ArrowTour West, ArrowTour Central
The Scout motto.
Capitalize only if standing alone.
"The Scout must always be prepared," "The Scout motto is Be Prepared"
A document, published by the National Council, that details how to properly use official OA insignia and terms in publications.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The second and final induction phase of membership in the Order of the Arrow. The adjective form is Brotherhood member.
Capitalize as shown only when referring to membership or to the ceremony. Do not capitalize when referring to friendship.
The 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A book containing the contact information of Arrowmen from all across the country. A project from the 100th Anniversary.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The document that details the correct usage of the centennial logo, centennial totem and centennial theme. A project from the 100th Anniversary.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A packaged resource kit for chapters, lodges and sections to use to help promote the 100th anniversary.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference incentive program that challenges lodges to bring at least 6% of their 2013 charter membership or bring 15% more than the lodge’s participation at NOAC 2012.
Capitalize as shown.
A crate provided to each lodge at the 2012 NOAC with Legacy Project 2015 materials enclosed.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A ceremonial fire burned with wood from each lodge during the 2015 NOAC.
Capitalize in sentence case.
An individual appointed by the National Order of the Arrow Committee to help guide lodges as they prepare for the centennial anniversary.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The official logo of the Order of the Arrow's centennial anniversary.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The red colored sash that all NOAC 2015 delegates and staff received.
Capitalize in sentence case
The theme of the Order of the Arrow's centennial anniversary.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A branding mark used on official centennial anniversary memorabilia.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The centennial anniversary eNewsletter for all Arrowmen. A project from the 100th Anniversary.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The centennial anniversary theme.
Capitalize as shown.
The script of the Brotherhood Ceremony as it is to be prefomed and notes on the presentation.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The script of the Ordeal Ceremony as it is to be prefomed and notes on the presentation.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The script of the Vigil Ceremony as it is to be prefomed and notes on the presentation.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A document, published by the National Council, detailing effective Chapter operations strategies, including organization, program and planning guidelines.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A year-round facility operated by the National Council in Ely, Minnesota, that offers cold-weather camping and access to dozens of wilderness routes in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota and the Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada.
Capitalize as shown. May be referred to as the Sommers Base after first reference.
In the BSA, charters authorize (1) an organization to operate BSA Scouting units (see "chartered organization"); (2) a local council to incorporate as a BSA local council; (3) operation of an Order of the Arrow lodge; or (4) the Boy Scouts of America to incorporate.
When used as a verb, use "to obtain a charter" and "to renew a charter" rather than "to charter" or "to recharter." Capitalize in sentence case.
A key elected youth leader in the Order of the Arrow who may be a chapter chief, lodge chief, section chief, region chief or national chief.
Capitalize in sentence case unless preceding a name. If preceeding a name, capitalize.
"W-3N Section Chief Amanda Arrowman," "Johnny was elected as the chapter chief"
A NOAC 2015 incentive program that challenges lodges to double the lodge attendance from NOAC 2012 or bring 15% the lodge's chartered membership for the 2015 year.
Capitalize as shown.
Communcations Committee
Should not be used in guest communications.
A group of people appointed for a specific NOAC function, typically consisting of members of a larger group.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A group or team designated to accomplish specific objectives.
Capitalize only in the official name of a particular committee.
"national committee," "Longhorn Council Finance Committee," "district membership committees," "National Catholic Committee on Scouting," "National Order of the Arrow Committee"
The section conclave is an annual activity (prior to 1972 known as an Area OA Conference) involving the lodges in each section. Each conclave is led by section youth officers elected from among the member lodges at the previous year’s conclave, and the event itself is prepared in cooperation with various other lodge officers, and with one lodge serving as the “service lodge”.
Capitalize in sentence case unless referring to a specific instance.
"The 1979 Section NE-3B Conclave was the largest conclave in the Order of the Arrow's history."
A document, published by the National Council, detailing best practices for lodges and sections when planning conclaves.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The purpose of the Conclave Training Initiative is to provide at least one training session each year for sections to use to augment their own conclave training.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as CTI after first use.
A (past or present) section chief responsible for one of the conference committees.
Capitalize in sentence case. May abbreviate as CVC after first use.
May be used to describe an official Scout group at an official Scout event. Otherwise, use "delegation." The term "delegation" also is used when referring to the group of Scouts who attend the annual Report to the Nation.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A group of guests and staff from one lodge who travel together to the conference.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A Scouter responsible for the contingent from the lodge.
Capitalize in sentence case.
An administrative body chartered to be responsible for Scouting in a designated geographic territory.
Capitalize only when referring to a specific local council or the National Council. E.g. "Moby Dick Council," "Gulf Coast Council."
The Council of Chiefs (COC) is the governing body of the section and consists of the Section Chief, Section Vice-Chief, Section Secretary, Immediate Past Section Chief, a representative from each lodge in the section (normally the lodge chief), Section Adviser, Section Staff Adviser, and any other appointed Chairman or Advisers of the section. Voting members of the COC include the section officers and chiefs from each lodge.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as COC after first use.
The business center for the local administration of Scouting.
Capitalized in sentence case unless referring to a specific council's service center. E.g. The Sam Houston Area Council's Cockrell Service Center is one of the largest council service centers in Texas.
A Scout or Scouter attending the conference.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The Developing Youth Leadership Conference will deepen an adviser’s capacity to develop youth leadership within the lodge and chapter. Conference topics will include fostering a growth mindset, promoting resilience, providing constructive feedback that leads to changes in youth behavior and creating a life-long coaching/mentoring relationship. Conference participants will gain insights necessary to successfully coach youth applying the leadership skills they gained during the National Leadership Seminar.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as DYLC after first use.
Formerly called the "Direct Service Council." This is the National Scout Service Center service through which U.S. citizens in other parts of the world not served by the Far East or Transatlantic Councils can retain membership and affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America.
Capitalize as shown.
Award that recognizes Arrowmen who have rendered outstanding service to the Order of the Arrow on a sectional, regional or national level.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as DSA after first use.
A geographical area of the council determined by the council executive board to help ensure the growth and success of Scouting units within the district's territory.
Capitalize only when naming a specific district: "Arrowhead District," "District 2," "districtwide."
The Scout slogan.
Capitalize only if standing alone. E.g. "We should all do a good turn daily," but "The Scout slogan is Do a Good Turn Daily."
A high adventure base operated by the National Council in Atikokan, Ontario, Canada, offers trips north and northeast in the White Otter area and south into the Quetico Provincial Park.
Capitalize as shown. May be referred to as Rogert Base after first reference.
The highest rank in Scouting.
Capitalize as shown.
"Eagle Scout badge," "Eagle Scout requirements," "Eagle Scout rank," "Eagle Scout Award," "Eagle Scout court of honor," "Eagle Scout board of review"
The National Executive Board is the governing body of the Boy Scouts of America. Voting memberships include regular membership, attained by election; ex officio membership, held by regional presidents, the chairman of the Advisory Council, and the chairman of the Board of Regents of the National Eagle Scout Association; and youth membership (at any time, the board may include five or fewer youth members appointed by the president). (2) The executive board in each local council is its policy-making body. Voting members include between 25 and 50 regular council members, the chairmen of the committees of the executive board, the chairmen of the district committees, and up to two youth members. The Scout executive is a nonvoting member.
Capitalize "executive board" only in the name of a specific local council executive board or when reference is clearly to the National Executive Board. E.g. "Orange County Council Executive Board," "the executive board of the Sam Houston Area Council."
This guide provides details on OA national and regional Organization, section rules, section conclave guidelines, and section training.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The legacy project eNewsletter for lodge leadership.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A high adventure base operated by the National Council where aquatics adventure programs, including canoeing, sailing, scuba diving and exploring the reefs of the Florida Keys and the Bahamas, are offered for older Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers.
Capitalize as shown. May be referred to as Florida Sea Base after first reference.
A trio of task forces lead by section chiefs focusing on elections, inductions and activation paired with the duo of tasks forces lead by section chiefs focusing on conclave administration and content
Capitalize as shown.
Award that recognizes Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to their lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates that he or she personifies the sopirit of selfless service, as advocated by founder E. Urner Goodman and cofounder Carroll A. Edson.
Capitalize as shown.
This book provides support for lodge and chapter leaders. It reflects the current policies concerning the organization and administration of the Order of the Arrow lodge. Topics covered include lodge organization and program, communications, camping promotion, service, membership requirements, unit elections, OA structure, awards, and more.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
This guide provides information on the Order of the Arrow for professional Scouters.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
This guide brings together all aspects of the induction process and provides a suggested structure for the inductions committee to follow. It provides the current policies and is filled with information about the inductions process from the unit election, to call-out, through the Ordeal, and on to Brotherhood. The 2015 revision includes updates to the unit elections section, and the addition of several new unit-election resources, plus small revisions and updates throughout the document.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
This guide provides information on Order of the Arrow unit elections to both members and non-members. It can be distributed to unit leaders and others who want to know the policies regarding unit elections and how unit elections are conducted.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
Can refer to high-adventure activities or to trek programs administered by local councils for older Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers. Use a hyphen when the words are used as a modifier.
Capitalize in sentence case unless referring to a specific high adventure program. E.g. Order of the Arrow High Adventure
A lodge that excels in three areas of lodge operation: unit elections, induction rate and activation rate. High Performing Lodges (HPL) have a one hundred percent unit election rate, ninety percent induction rate and fifty percent activation rate.
Captialize in sentence case. May abbreviate as HPL.
ArrowTour term used to describe the council, lodge or section that is hosting the venue.
Capitalize in sentence case.
Inductions and Ceremonial Events Committee
Should not be used in guest communications.
Award established in 2012 to recognize chapters and lodges for developing creative and innovative solutions to challenges faced during the implementation of their annual program plans. Two awards in each region are presented annually.
Capitalize as shown.
A term chosen by Baden-Powell to describe the first international gathering of Scouts camping together in London in 1920. The term is restricted to indicate a national or world jamboree. The BSA has a national jamboree every four years. See "contingent" regarding the use of the word to describe Scouting groups attending a jamboree.
Not capitalized unless in the title of a specific jamboree. E.g. "1993 National Scout Jamboree" or "19th World Scout Jamboree." Use "2013 National Scout Jamboree" on first reference. For subsequent references, use "national Scout jamboree" (preferred), "2013 National Jamboree," or "jamboree."
Scouting's Journey to Excellence is the performance measurement and recognition program for BSA groups. It replaced the Quality program in 2011. Can refer to council, unit, lodge, or section JTE. Now retired; see Performance Management Program.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as JTE after first mention.
This guide assists lodges in understanding the Journey to Excellence (JTE) program and how best to develop program plans to achieve the goals.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
JTE Guide alternate language
The three top-level leaders of a group. For example, the Lodge Key 3 is the lodge staff adviser, the lodge adviser and the lodge chief
Capitalize as shown. The numeral "3" is always used in Key 3; it is not spelled out.
A resource on terms and style specific to the Order of the Arrow. It encompasses style, usage, and grammar norms obaserved by both the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A centennial anniversary momento collected from each lodge in preparation for the centennial anniversary. The lid should showcase the lodge's unique legacy within Scouting and its community.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The centennial prelude project that incorporates contributions from each lodge in the OA to celebrate the centennial anniversary. Includes the submission of lodge rocks, legacy lids and lodge history books.
Capitalize as shown.
Award established by the National Order of the Arrow Committee in 2002 to recognize the Order's second and third generation "Founders" - Scouters who have built an enduring legacy to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow through a lifetime of cheerful service to others. Retired in 2018.
Capitalize as shown.
A local council Order of the Arrow group chartered annually by the National Council.
Capitalize in sentence case unless referring to a specific lodge.
Wahissa Lodge conducted a fellowship event for all of the lodges in its section.
A guidebook for lodge advisers, published by the National OA Committee, outlining best practices for effective lodge management
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A document, published by the National Council, with information on how one can plan, mobilize and deliver a quality community service project
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The executive committee of the lodge—a key group—consists of the youth serving as lodge officers (including the immediate past lodge chief), lodge operating committee chairmen and their advisers, the staff adviser, the lodge adviser, and the Scout executive. If the lodge membership decides that this group is not representative, a lodge may select two or three members at large—American Indian lore or public relations experts, for instance—to serve on the committee. If there are chapters in the lodge, the chapter chiefs and chapter advisers are members of the lodge executive committee. Any lodge member is welcome to attend executive committee meetings as an observer.
Not capitalized unless in the title of a specific lodge. E.g., "Wipala Wiki Lodge Executive Committee" or "Shenandoah Lodge Executive Committee." Can be abbreviated as LEC for subsequent references.
This manual provides ideas and guidelines for budget building and control, the jobs of lodge members related to lodge finances, financial recordkeeping, inventory control, financial reports and money-earning projects.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A centennial anniversary momento collected from each lodge in preparation for the centennial anniversary. The history book describes the lodge's contributions to Scouting and its community.
Capitalize in sentence case.
Training program run by lodge officers to train members in aspects of lodge operation and leadership.
Capitalize as shown.
A document, published by the National Council, providing information on planning and carrying out a good Lodge Leadership Development program, including implementation of the Lodge Leadership Development committee.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
Email newsletter for lodge leadership, sent and managed by the National Communications Committee.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
This document is now a part of "Appendix 12 - JumpStart" in the Guide to Inductions.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A centennial anniversary momento collected from each lodge in preparation for the centennial anniversary. The rocks were used to construct the ring of the centennial fire.
Capitalize in sentence case.
An Order of the Arrow program that provides partial summer camp fees for Scouts of American Indian lineage.
Capitalize as shown.
The location of the conference.
Capitalize as shown. May use MSU after first use.
An annual gathering of the National Council.
Capitalize as shown.
Supports and assists the director to carry out the operations of the OA. Functions as an adviser to the youth members, as assigned, in consultation with the National Order of the Arrow Committee. Assumes other responsibilities and duties as assigned by the director and national committee.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The national lifestyle magazine of the Order of the Arrow, published annually.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The volunteer Scouter who chairs the National Order of the Arrow Committee. The national chairman is responsible for the national operations of the Order of the Arrow.
Capitalize in sentence case except when preceding a name.
"2018 National Chairman Michael Hoffman"
The top elected youth Arrowman in the Order of the Arrow. Tasked with representing and leading the national program.
Capitalize in sentence case except when preceding a name.
"Matt Parsons is the 2019 national chief," "1991 National Chief Clint Takeshita"
A committee consisting of the national chief, national vice chief, the national chairman, two professional Scouters, the director and associate director, as well as many vice chairmen and committee members tasked with managing the national operations of the Order of the Arrow.
Capitalize as shown.
The National Council of Chiefs (NCOC) is a gathering of lodge chiefs, lodge advisers, and other leadership hosted by the National Chief, Vice Chief, and National OA Committee during the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC). The National Council of Chiefs convenes local and national leadership to address forward-looking issues by providing resources, training, and a forum for local feedback and ideas.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as NCOC.
National professional Scouter who serves as staff adviser to the National Order of the Arrow Committee. Functions as an adviser to the youth members, as assigned, in consultation with the National OA Committee.
Capitialize as shown.
This group provides an opportunity for all Eagle Scouts to retain identification with Scouting through service to the local council in which they live.
Capitalize as shown. May be abbreviated as NESA after first reference.
The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend conference focused on the skills and attributes of leadership. The program enhances the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow's key youth and adult members as they seek to improve their services to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater community. The weekend format complements the longer, more detailed Junior Leadership Training program (for youth) and Wood Badge program (for adults). During the seminar, participants make a contract with themselves to apply the skills learned on projects in the lodge, council, and community. NLS prepares Arrowmen to become better leaders both within and outside of the Scouting program.
Capitalize as shown. May be abbreviated as NLS after first reference.
The National Lodge Adviser Training Seminar (NLATS) was a weekend conference focusing on the skills and attributes of effective adult advisers. The program was designed to enhance an adviser's knowledge of and connectivity with the OA’s strategic plan, program, and resources while emphasizing personal skills that are essential to the development of effective youth leadership and ultimately the OA's service to the council. The NLATS program has since been retired and replaced with the Developing Youth Leaders Conference.
Capitalize as shown. May be abbreviated as NLATS after first reference.
The National Order of the Arrow Committee, a support committee of the National Outdoor Adventures Committee, sets policy and directs the program of the OA. The volunteer leader is the chairman of the National Order of the Arrow Committee. The chairman is appointed annually by the chairman of the National Outdoor Adventures Committee. Members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee are appointed annually by their chairman.
Capitalize as shown. May be abbreviated as "national committee" or "national OA committee" after first reference. Refrain from using "OA national committee."
The national conference of the Order of the Arrow. Held approximately every two or three years.
Capitalize as shown. If including date, year should precede term. May be abbreviated as NOAC after first reference. If including date with abbreviation, year should follow the abbreviation.
2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference; NOAC 2015
Established in 1959, the National Scouting Museum is recognized as the official museum of the Boy Scouts of America, and its mission is to preserve the legacy of Scouting and promote the movement to future generations. The museum includes a Scouting fine art collection and an extensive artifact and archive collection. It features full-sized indoor campsites, virtual reality adventures, and interactive exhibits. The museum also offers educational and advancement activities and workshops.
Capitalize as shown.
The administrative offices of the Boy Scouts of America. The address is Boy Scouts of America, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079.
Capitalize as shown.
The youth Arrowman elected by thier peer section chiefs to assist the national chief. Assumes the role of national chief, if needed, and serves as a voting member of the National Order of the Arrow Committee.
Capitalize in sentence case except when preceding a name. Do not use a hyphen; can be abbreviated as NVC after first use.
A seminar conducted over the Internet; typically focused on new policy and procedures, training, and event details.
Capitalize as shown.
See "American Indian," which is preferred.
Capitalize as shown.
The conference radio station.
Capitalize as shown.
Abbreviation of the full name of the Order of the Arrow. Refrain from using "Order" as a stand-alone abbreviation.
Capitalize as shown.
The OA Camp Coordinator, or OACC, is an Arrowman who cheerfully serves both the camp and the lodge during the summer. Responsible for the various lodge programs at camp, the OACC is the "go-to" person for all Order of the Arrow related questions. On any given day, they might make torches for that week’s call out ceremony, conduct a unit election for an in-council troop in the comfort of their own campsite, organize Arrowmen to serve coffee and newspapers each morning to Scoutmasters as reveille sounds, or promote the next big event to each Unit Representative.
Captialize as shown. May abbreviate as OACC.
The Congratulatory Eagle Scout Letter is a resource for the Awards and Recognition chairperson meant for Scouts earning their Eagle Scout during the current year. The national chief and national vice chief want to recognize each Eagle on the great accomplishment of obtaining Eagle. The letter is intended for all Eagle Scouts and not just an Arrowman.
Capitalize as shown.
A hackathon is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development collaborate intensively on software projects. OA Hackathons focus on education and collaboration as delegates have fun and tackle the technology issues of the Order of the Arrow.
An OA Hackathon participant is named a "delegate."
Software distributed by the National OA Committee for use by lodges to keep track of their official roster, finances and charter and Journey to Excellence petition.
Capitalize as shown.
Born in 2003 in response to the fires that damaged thousands of woodland acres in Philmont’s beautiful Ponil region, PhilBreak has three major goals: Provide Philmont Scouters for service to Philmont, Provide a qualified pool of potential staff members, and Enhance and build participant’s leadership skills. In 2019, PhilBreak was reborn in response to the devastating Ute Park fire of 2018, with three week-long sessions of service towards the sustainability of and fire prevention at Philmont.
An Arrowman who attends the OA PhilBreak is named a "participant"
In September 2017, the southeastern United States was struck by two category five hurricanes, Irma and Maria. Many people in affected areas lost power for weeks, and suffered extreme property damage. Although the main campus of Sea Base in Islamorada remained largely untouched, this was not the case for properties throughout the Florida Keys and BSA facilities operated by local councils. Camp Sawyer and Big Munson Island were both hit heavily, with camping facilities having been destroyed by the storm. In response to these storms, the Southern Region hosted SeaBreak in the spring of 2018. SeaBreak provided Arrowmen the opportunity to serve by helping repair parts of Sea Base, Camp Sawyer, and Big Munson Island.
An Arrowman who attends the OA SeaBreak is named a 'participant'. Capitalize as shown.
Email newsletter for general OA membership, sent and managed by the National Communications Committee.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A registered member of the Order of the Arrow serving on staff at a Scouting high adventure base, leading participating crews in OA High Adventure programs.
Capitalize in sentence case unless preceding a name.
"Foreman Johnny Scout met with the other foremen before the work began"
Activity for guests organized by the Activities and Recreation Committee.
Capitalize as shown.
A promotional effort administered to form and engage local support in the Operation Arrow recruitment process.
Capitalize as shown.
The grassroots promotional effort for Operation Arrow.
Capitalize as shown.
The first induction phase of membership in the Order of the Arrow. Ordeal members are entitled to all rights and privileges of OA members.
Capitalize as shown only when referring to membership or to the ceremony. Adjective form: Ordeal member.
The main handbook for OA members. It includes basic information all members should know and reflects current policies.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
Unit-level adult position resonsible for advising the Order of the Arrow unit representative.
Capitalize as shown.
Full name of the Order of the Arrow.
Capitalize as shown.
Unit-level youth position directly responsible for maintaining communication between the unit and the lodge, encouraging Ordeal members to seal the bond in Brotherhood, and ensuring that the unit remains active in the lodge.
Capitalize as shown. May be abbreviated OA unit rep after first reference.
The slogan of ArrowTour.
Capitalize in sentence case and display in bold or other manner that draws attention to the text.
Performance Management Program is the performance measurement and recognition program for BSA groups. It replaced the JTE program in 2019. Can refer to lodge or section programs. See Journey to Exellence.
Capitalize as shown.
The Philmont Museum is home to many historical Scouting artifacts pertinent to the Scouting movement and the Philmont Scout Ranch. Within the museum is the Seton Memorial Library.
Capitalize as shown.
The PILOT program was developed to help youth and adult lodge leaders understand their personal leadership abilities, and how they can improve their leadership to positively influence their lodge. The training was based on the writings of James Kouzes and Barry Posner which explain that all exemplary leaders exhibit five practices of leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. The curriculum has a strong focus on the personal leadership abilities, rather than the specific operational aspects of leading a lodge. In doing so, the learner will be able to apply their newly found leadership abilities to a wide array of situations.
Capitalize as shown.
The first ceremony in the OA induction.
Capitalize as shown.
An award presented at the National Order of the Arrow Conference that recognizes individuals who are not members of the OA for outstanding service to the OA.
Capitalize as shown.
The top elected youth Arrowman in each region.
Capitalize in sentence case except when preceding a name.
ArrowTour term used to describe the map of each region's tour schedule.
Capitalize in sentence case.
Scout executives are the executive directors of the local council, and must be commissioned professional Scouters with considerable experience. Each scout executive has been selected by a volunteer committee of the council executive board from a pool of candidates provided by the National Council. In addition to management responsibilities, the scout executive is the corporate secretary of the council, and the principal spokesperson to the local communities of the council.
Capitalize as shown. E.g., "Jack Sears, Jr. is the Scout executive of the North Florida Council," "North Florida Council Scout Executive Jack Sears, Jr."
An Order of the Arrow section consists of lodges within a geographic area of the region. Once every year, members of lodges in the section come together for a conclave to share in fellowship, skills, and training. In addition, the section creates a monitoring/mentoring relationship with its lodges, provides leadership development opportunities, fosters understanding and adherence to national OA policies and procedures, and coordinates OA administrative and program functions. A section is led by three elected youth officers, the section chief, section vice chief, and section secretary, who are advised by an adult section adviser and professional section staff adviser.
Not capitalized unless in the title of a specific section. E.g., "Section C-4" or "Section SR-7A."
This event is a gathering of section officers and their advisers in a particular region for training and fellowship. In some cases only the section chief and his adviser are invited.
Capitalize as shown on first reference. Can be abbreviated as SOS for subsequent references.
Email newsletter for section leadership, sent and managed by the National Communications Committee.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
Monies provided to local OA lodges who submit an application for a service project to their council's operations and/or Scout camps. Each region can receive several grants per calendar year at the discretion of the National Order of the Arrow Committee.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A Scout or Scouter attending the conference as a staff member.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The present home of the Boy Scouts of America national jamboree, located in Mount Hope, WV. A Scouting high adventure base.
Capitalize as shown. May be abbreviated as SBR after first reference. "The Summit" is not an appropriate abbreviation.
The OA's permanent ceremonial grounds at the Summit Bechtel Reserve.
Capitalize as shown.
A national service project in 2011 at the New River Gorge to build trail for the new Summit Bechtel Reserve.
Capitalize as shown.
A set of presumptions that guide each step of the OA inductions process.
Capitalize as shown.
The daily conference newspaper.
Capitalize as shown. Should always be italicized.
A central gathering place at the 2015 NOAC, located at Cherry Lane Park on the Michigan State University campus, that consists of "The Experience," Adventure Central, and is the location for the Grand Hodag and the Centennial Festival.
Capitalize as shown.
The daily conference eNewsletter.
Capitalize as shown. Should always be italicized.
A national webinar hosted for lodge leadership relaying information, tools, and resources from the Focus 2019 committees.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as Thrive.
ArrowTour term that describes the overall schedule of the tour.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The smallest organization group in the Boy Scouts of America. This term is used to refer to Scouts BSA troops, Sea Scout ships, Venturing crews, Exploring posts, and Cub Scout packs.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The smallest organization in the Boy Scouts of America. In the OA, units include Scouts BSA troops, Sea Scout ships, and Venturing crews.
Capitalize in sentence case.
ArrowTour term used to describe the individual locations that the tour will stop at.
Capitalize in sentence case.
Honor that recognizes youth and adult Arrowmen who have distinguished themselves in their lodge and council through exceptional service and personal effort.
Capitalize as shown.
A non-Scout or Scouter attending the event for a day.
Capitalize in sentence case