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1915 Society

Created in 2024, the 1915 Society builds upon the strong foundation set forth by the OA Endowment to allow all Arrowmen to support the Endowment and its aims through sustained monthly contributions. In reference to the founding year of the Order of the Arrow, 1915, donors contribute $19.15 monthly, $57.45 quarterly or $229.80 annually. All funds enter the Order of the Arrow Endowed Fund held with in the National Foundation of the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA Foundation is a separate 501C(3) organization, and all funds are considered donor-directed. Once contributed, the funds will stay in perpetuity within the OA Endowment, whose spending policy allows for the growth of the funds to provide support to key leadership development initiatives within the OA.

Members of the 1915 Society, after 6 months of monthly contributions, two quarters of contributions or an initial annual contribution, will receive a special sash to commemorate joining. The sash consists of a red backing with a white arrow and bars with “1915” and “Society” superimposed onto the bars. In reference to the first ceremony and the regalia worn, the turtle, which has been used as a general symbol of the Order, marks the center of the sash. At the bottom of the sash is denoted the year the member joined the society. Any member, regardless of honor, is able to wear the 1915 Society sash.

The National Order of the Arrow Committee has permitted the sash to be worn at inductions, banquets, and region and national endowment events.

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