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Shenandoah Lodge’s Innovation Awards

The Order of the Arrow (OA) Innovation Award was created to recognize chapters and lodges for developing creative and innovative...

Colonneh Lodge Trail Crew

Instead of relaxing over spring break, members of Colonneh Lodge of the Sam Houston Area Council were at their local...

Wiatava Scout-O-Rama Camp Promotions

In the Order of the Arrow (OA), a key point that we focus on is service, whether it be to...

Tipisa Lodge Winter Ordeals

As December quickly approaches, Arrowmen across the country begin to count down the days. For members of Tipisa Lodge of...

OAHA Foreman Feature

Aubrey Cover has recently returned from his second summer as a foreman for the OA Trail Crew (OATC) program at...

A Legacy of Service: Christiansen Appointed Western Region Chairman

After being a member of the Order of the Arrow (OA) for the past forty-five years and serving as an...

Justin Abshire’s Link Between Success and Scouting

Arrowman Justin Abshire can always find something or someone interesting in New Orleans, even on days aside from Mardi Gras....

Scouting Aboard the USS Ford

A stairway leads inside to a large photo of the 38th President of the United States of America proudly standing...

Why does Operation Arrow staff #ChooseOA?

#ChooseOA is a marketing and social media campaign which allows active OA members to share the reasons they became involved...