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Eyes on Echo

To continue to ensure a safe and successful jamboree, the subcamp leadership would like to remind all Operation Arrow staff...

OA High Adventure program to hold memorable gathering during jamboree

  Have you attended an OA High Adventure (OAHA) program? Are you looking to reconnect with some of your old crew...

Feu du Camp Internationale sera fournir fraternité autour du monde

Rencontrer des nouvelles persons et faire de nouvelles amis sont les points culminant de l'expérience du Jamboree....

La Fogata Internacional proveerá un espacio de hermandad que trasciende las fronteras

Conocer a gente nueva y hacer amistades son elementos importantes de la experiencia del Jamboree. En la tarde del Viernes,...

National OA Committee vice chairman Clint Takeshita thanks Operation Arrow staff

Operation Arrow Team, Stop! Before you scroll down or close this window, please give me a brief moment to say THANK...

Send us your Operation Arrow memories

Whether it’s a journey to Garden Ground Mountain as a Trek Guide, a fire beat in Operation Arrow’s Got Talent or...

Recreation presents yoga class for staff to “D-Stress and stretch out”

One of the hidden gems of the recreation area is just a mat roll away. Although the OA recreation area is...

Staff pick movies to be shown in Recreation Movie Theater

Movie buffs, food lovers or any youth staff who just want to kick back after a long day at the...

Worldwide Scouts to unwind with Operation Arrow’s engaging activities

After a long day at the 2017 National Jamboree, staff members who are looking to sit back, relax, destress and...