If you are one of the 1,500 Arrowmen who will be attending NEXT as a delegate from your lodge or...
By Michael FrenchWe have all had our fair share of experiences while in the outdoors, but none come close to...
By Owen ClappShaping the ground with sweat and muscle breaks open opportunities to explore what it means to provide cheerful...
By Murphy BushNext time you’re out planning your lodge’s Key 3 meeting or your section’s council of chiefs meeting, why...
The 2013 National Jamboree was attended by 30,037 Scouts and Scouters. For the Summit Bechtel Reserve, a brand new Scouting...
Q: Ray, My lodge's flap was recently denied because of the new brand guidelines. What advice do you have for our...
Q: Mr. Capp, We are relatively new to a troop with no current OA program. My OA membership dates back to...
Q: Hi Mr. Capp, I have read several articles concerning this and I can't find anything definitive on the difference between...
Q: Ray, Outside of the Order of the Arrow, does the national chief (or national vice chief for that matter) have...