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Ask the Chairman - What training is available for chapter advisers?

Q. Ray, Recently in many councils there has been a big push the get direct contact leaders trained. They have laid...

Ask the Chairman - How do we handle elections for Scouts who may be dual registered?

The information on this page may not reflect the changes to the Order of the Arrow membership requirements effective February...

Centennial Update: A day in the life of 2015 Southern Region Chief Alex Leach

By Owen ClappA new day starts, the sun comes up and there are a ton of tasks begging for attention....

Centennial Update: #LEAD takes a unique twist on the section leadership conference

By Daniel MarionLast winter, Section NE-6A kicked off a new and exciting training event called #LEAD, merging the concepts of...

Centennial Update: NOAC 2015 Shows Experience in 3 Minutes

Want to relive the excitement of the 2015 NOAC shows? See below for a timelapse video of the inside of the...

Centennial Fire Take-Home Ceremony

One of the highlights of the centennial conference was the special rededication ceremony at the Centennial Fire, which capped off...

Ask the Chairman: New Ordeal members and the Arrowman Service Award

Q. Mr. Capp, I am trying to find out if new ordeal members that have been inducted in the summer of...

Deadline for OA service grants quickly approaching

By Matthew WatsonThe Order of the Arrow has sponsored service grants as a way to assist those lodges who have...

Get involved with National Public Lands Day!

By Michael KippThe Order of the Arrow and its members have a strong commitment to conservation. This year, there is hardly...