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Ask the Chairman - Using Historic Elements of Ceremonies

Q. Hello, Mr. Capp! My name is Robbie and I am the chairman for my lodge’s shows committee. I have been...

Ask the Chairman - Vigil Honor Selection

Q. Ray, I am in a council that has a local Order of the Arrow lodge of over 4,600 members. Upon...

Ask the Chairman - Life Membership

Q. Ray, Is it possible to purchase a life membership in the Order of the Arrow? Thanks, George   A. George, Thanks for your question. Unfortunately,...

Ask the Chairman - Wearing Multiple Sash Award Patches

Q. Ray, If I earned the 50th and/or 60th Anniversary Award(s), can I also wear the ASA patch on the same...

Ask the Chairman - Does the lodge chief have a vote on the council executive board

Q. Ray, I have a question. Does the lodge chief (youth member) get to vote on issues on the council executive...

Ask the Chairman - NOAC 2015 Day Passes/Visitors

Q. Ray, Several parents have asked me about obtaining a visitor’s pass for the day to visit their son while at...

2015 OA Service Grant Recipients

Since 1999, the National OA Committee has annually selected lodges from each region to receive matching service grants.  For 2015,...

NOAC 2015 Conference Vice Chiefs

The 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference could not be accomplished without strong youth leadership. During the 2014 National...

2015 National Officer Biographies

Alex Call - 2015 National Chief Section SR 2-3S Alex is from South Texas Council in Corpus Christi, Texas. He is an...