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Lodge Ledger: Redefining excellence in Section NE-1

Anyone who has spent time in the Order of the Arrow knows that it is designed to be a youth-led...

Lodge Ledger: Lowaneu Allanque Lodge relaunches pow-wow event

By Gabriel MartinezLowaneu Allanque Lodge of Three Fires Council (St. Charles, Illinois) recently revived a program known as the "Friendship...

News You Can Use: Youth Leaders Help OA Play Key Role at 2013 Jamboree

By Ricky Angeletti[The 2013 Jamboree is being held at the Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve.] More than three years of planning...

Centennial Update: Totem, Logo, and Theme Released

Centennial Update: Centennial Anniversary ­- official branding guidelines With the release of the centennial logo and totem comes the Centennial Anniversary...

Section Sentinel: It's time for lodge recharter!

By Aaron GluckEvery year, each Order of the Arrow lodge must submit a charter renewal form in order to maintain...

Section Sentinel: National Officers Send Special Gift to Ailing Arrowman

Daniel Theiss of Venture Crew 21 from Dan Beard Council, headquarted in Cincinnati, Ohio has had no ordinary Scouting experience....

Section Sentinel: Planning for Section Conclave: A Weekend of Fun

As the winter months begin turning into spring and summer, sections across the country are preparing for their annual Conclaves....

News You Can Use: Alapaha and Immokalee Lodges merge to Withlacoochee Lodge

By Taylor BobrowThe Alapaha and Immokalee Lodges recently merged to form Withlacoochee Lodge, as a result of the merger of...