Q. Dear Ray, I am my Lodge’s Chapter Chief and people have been asking me about how to get one particular...
Q. Good Morning -- I am the Order of the Arrow Adviser. We have a number of units from other councils...
Q. Ray, We have recently moved to another city and someone told me that the the camping requirement must be fulfilled...
Q. Ray, A scout, new to our troop, was elected to OA in his old troop and then transferred to our...
The information on this page may not reflect the changes to the Order of the Arrow membership requirements effective February...
Q. Ray, Can a Scoutmaster ask that a 20yr old Assistant Scoutmaster who had been a first class scout or higher...
Q. Dear Ray: There has been some confusion regarding a "time period" requirement. Because of the wording "during the two-year period prior...
Q. Ray, We have recently moved to another city and someone told me that the the camping requirement must be fulfilled...
Q. Hello Ray, My son & I attended the National Jamboree and had a great time. We camped ten days &...