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Ask the Chairman - Troop/Team Representative

Q. Ray, What is the term of office for the OA Troop/Team Representative? Some unit leaders use a 6 month term,...

Ask the Chairman - Elected Candidates

Q. Ray, Can a Scout who is elected in the spring attend a spring Ordeal? Thank you, Randall A. Randall, Thanks for the question. As soon...

Ask the Chairman - Service Hours

Q. Ray, A Scout's parent would like to know if the required service time with the Order of the Arrow counts...

Ask the Chairman - Brotherhood Letters

Q. Ray, What should become of the letter that an Ordeal candidate writes to the lodge secretary? Thanks for your opinion on...

The Dallas Experience

An inside look at the National Planning Meeting Every year, Section Chiefs, members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee,...

Jumpstart Your Lodge Inductions

One of the most important, yet commonly neglected, parts of the induction sequence is orienting our new members to the...

National Officer Election Process

It is a proud moment when the Chief's Bonnet is passed to the new National Chief of the Order of...

Ask the Chairman - Members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee

Q. It seems like the members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee are a bunch of old men...

Ask the Chairman - Key Volunteer

Q. What is a Key Volunteer in the Order of the Arrow national structure? A. A Key Volunteer is an adult...