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Elder Goodman

Goodman’s retirement in 1951 allowed him to spend more time with his wife Louise. They lived during the winter in the Penney Farms retirement community near Jacksonville, Florida and during the summer at a small farm in Bondville, Vermont, with both a house and a barn, which the Goodmans converted to living quarters with rooms for their children and grandchildren, named Brotherhood Barn. In 1948, OA lodges from around the country sent stones from their local camps to Bondville, to be incorporated into a new fireplace at the barn. A sketch of Goodman talking to two Arrowmen in front of the fireplace became an icon, and graced the Founder’s personal stationery.

The happy couple traveled around the world in 1962, starting from Vermont, crossing Canada and the US Pacific Coast by train, then from San Francisco to Hawaii and Australia, on to Malaya, Ceylon, Aden, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Great Britain, France, Ireland and back to New York. They stayed with the Governor General of Tasmania, Lord Rowallan, a former Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth. At the annual St. George’s Day parade at Windsor Castle, when the Royal Family reviews the year’s crop of Queen’s Scouts, Goodman met Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip.

Always devout, Goodman wrote hymns and religious music throughout his life. He also served as a lay minister, which he was able to do for longer periods now. During his life, he held 26 pulpits, including two at sea during cruises.

For many years, Arrowmen urged him to write an autobiography. In 1965, to celebrate the Order’s 50th birthday, he penned a series of reminiscences called The Building of a Life. True to form, the autobiography of this modest man of great accomplishments was less about him than it was about the many people he encountered during his life, and how each of them impacted him. He actually prepared an outline for a biography to be written by several friends, but it never materialized.

He busied himself with the innumerable activities of the Order. He was an active member of the National OA Committee, mostly in the role of an adviser. He spoke at lodge and section events, and visited with individual Arrowmen, usually high school or college students, who trekked to see him at Penney Farms or the Brotherhood Barn. He was the featured speaker at National OA Conferences (NOAC), often entertaining the crowd with his singing or organ playing, and always giving the closing address and challenge at the final show – a blend of humor and inspiration no Arrowman would ever forget.


500th Lodge Formed

On November 19, 1953, Ona Yote Kaonaga Lodge of Rome, NY chartered. The Order had reached the lofty milestone of 500 chartered lodges. The Order of the Arrow was present in every state; fewer than 100 councils remained that did not have OA.


400th Lodge Formed

In August of 1948, Quetzel Lodge (later re-named Wawookia Lodge) in Lewiston, Idaho became the Order’s 400th Lodge to charter. Now that the Order was fully integrated as a National BSA program it had spread to more than two thirds of all councils.

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1950 National Jamboree - First OA Service Corps

The 1950 National Jamboree was held at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, from June 27 to July 6. Delayed by World War II, 47,163 Scouts and Explorers participated in the second National Jamboree with the theme “Strengthen Liberty”.

President Harry S. Truman opened the Jamboree; and Scouts enjoyed a huge fireworks display on the 4th of July with General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Troop dinning similar to the 1937 Jamboree was planned, but due to the lack of professional chefs (that were readily available in 1937 due to the depression), patrol cooking using charcoal was introduced. The pattern was also set for the arena shows that have become traditional at Jamborees. The opening show the first night was a historical spectacular showcasing the great events that gained the United States liberty. Construction of troop gateways became a major troop feature. Each troop tried to out-do the troop next to them with huge, colorful entranceways.

The second Jamboree marked the introduction of an OA Service Troop (what we today call the Service Corps).

36 Arrowmen from 15 states were chosen through a special selection process to provide cheerful service at the Jamboree. The purpose of the Service Troop was so Scouts might have a better camping experience. Behind the scenes work of the Jamboree fell to the Service Troop including; distributing internal mail to each section twice a day, traffic supervision and car parking, ushering supervision at the giant arena shows, delivering telegrams and urgent messages, aides to distinguished guests and guide service, stretcher bearers for ambulances, guarding dangerous locations, and many other duties to help make for a successful Jamboree. Long hours of service were spent each day with some members missing a meal on occasion to make sure that a hazardous location would not be left unguarded. The first service troop was under the leadership of Scoutmaster and future National OA Committee Chairman Thomas G. McBride.

There was also a gathering of Arrowmen, which attracted 3,500 members of the Order, the largest gathering of Arrowmen of its time. In addition to the Service Troop, Arrowmen from Unami Lodge, the first lodge, served as guides for Jamboree troops touring historical buildings and locations before and after the Jamboree in Philadelphia.


OA Service at National Jamborees

The OA has provided service at Boy Scout National Jamborees since the second event in 1950 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. For most of the early Jamborees, that service consisted of OA Service Troops, made up of youth Arrowmen and led by selected adults. However, recent years have seen the role of the OA at the Jamboree grow into an integral part of the BSA’s largest gathering.

In 1937, participation by the OA was limited to a few things done to promote and spread the word about the OA. The 1950 Jamboree marked the introduction of an OA Service Troop with 36 Arrowmen chosen to serve. Duties included behind the scenes items ranging from delivering mail to the troops to guarding dangerous locations. A Service Troop of 18 Arrowmen supported the 1953 Jamboree and a special fellowship assembly was held just for Arrowmen and in 1960, support expanded to two Service Troops.

In 1964, the Jamboree returned to Valley Forge, and from then on the role of the OA at the Jamboree has steadily grown. Participation by the OA had grown to approximately 200 Arrowmen. An OA Pow Wow was introduced that was attended by some 15,000 Arrowmen, and included remarks from both founder Urner Goodman and Chief Scout Executive Joseph A. Brunton to launch the OA’s 50th Anniversary celebration that would be concluded at the 1965 NOAC. In 1967, the OA also supported the first BSA hosted World Jamboree by providing service.

In 1973, a total of ten Service Troops were provided to support the two-location Jamboree; and a Jamboree Youth Advisory Committee for the first time was created from OA members.

In 1977, the Jamboree was held north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at Moraine State Park. It was at this event that the OA first expanded its role at the Jamboree of handling functions other than an OA Service Corps. The corps itself was comprised of more than 100 Arrowmen. OA Vice Chairman Carl Marchetti and Executive Secretary Bill Downs were asked to supervise a youth staff subcamp for the Jamboree. In this new organization, the Order would be responsible for oversight of not only the service corps, but also all youth staff (aged 16 to 20) at the Jamboree. No matter what their program assignment was on site, they would be housed, fed, and provided transportation, recreation, and other services by an OA-led team. This increased the impact of the Order across the entire Jamboree, as there was 600 to 800 youth staff members at the time. The OA also, this year, presented an exhibit in the National Exhibits area showcasing the Order.

The 1989 National Scout Jamboree saw a significant increase in OA involvement at the Jamboree when several new activities were added to the mix. A five-troop OA service corps (139 Arrowmen) provided invaluable service at the Jamboree, plus an on-site radio station, WBSA, conceived by Mark Chilutti and Angelo Cappelli. For the first time, the Order set up a Native American Indian Village with 45 youth and adults providing a busy program of crafts, skills, and dancing. Finally, the OA conducted a rendezvous in the main arena with over 10,000 Arrowmen in attendance.

In 1993, the OA continued its expanded service to the Jamboree, again held at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia. The Native American Indian Village returned with an expanded program, including culture, crafts, and dancing. Jamboree participants completed more than 175 Indian Lore merit badges. The OA once more took on the oversight of all youth staff, providing them with food, housing, Scoutmasters, transportation, and recreation. A new event—the “model campsite,” which demonstrated proper backcountry camping techniques—was led by the Order. The OA show (pow wow) proved to be a huge success with approximately 15,000 Arrowmen attending.

The OA once again expanded its support as the Jamboree returned to Virginia in 1997. With the Service Corps becoming an ingrained component of the event, and the OA Indian Village established as well, two new areas were added: The Outdoor Skills Place (or TOAP), and a new big hit called Odyssey of the Law, an interactive show and video presentation that challenged Scouts to rely on the Scout Oath and Scout Law when making decisions in their lives. The Odyssey of the Law show was one of the most popular attractions at the Jamboree and was attended by 20,000 Scouts and Arrowmen.

In 2001, the OA again made significant contributions to the National Scout Jamboree. Scouts continued to visit the OA Indian Village to learn about dancing and crafts and to try some authentic American Indian food. The big show in 2001 was called Scoutopia. After the success of Odyssey of the Law, which was funded by the OA, the BSA’s Jamboree leadership built the cost of Scoutopia into the budget, along with strong support from the U.S. Marine Corps.

By the time 2005 rolled around, the OA was very active throughout the Jamboree. TOAP continued with great success and registered its largest turnout since it was started and Twelve Cubed, an interactive show run by the OA, was another huge success offering an air-conditioned indoors experience to tens of thousands of Jamboree goers.

And at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree and celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the BSA, the OA once again was an integral component, preserving its rich tradition of serving others while providing an invaluable experience to all who attended. A total of over 600 Arrowmen served in a variety of capacities. PACEsetters (Personal Accountability and Commitment to Excellence) was a new addition to the Jamboree and the “show” in 2010 was called the Mysterium Compass, which presented five different acts of the “your life is like a compass” experience. Scout’s started their Mysterium Compass experience by entering a “Vault” that included a spectacular display of historical Scouting and OA memorabilia.


300th Lodge Formed

Peta Lodge, of Great Falls, Montana became the Order's 300th lodge to charter on June 5, 1945. The Order had spread to roughly half the councils in the nation and the pace of new lodges was still accelerating.


First OA Handbook

With the coming full integration of the Order into the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), it was decided by the OA National Executive Committee that an Order of the Arrow (OA) handbook was needed. The groundwork had been done in preparation, but it was all contained in letters, pamphlets, and notes from conversations.

The responsibility to edit the first OA Handbook was accepted by J. Rucker Newbery, National Lodge Treasurer, an adult position at the time. Newbery gathered all the materials available and edited them into a proof edition. The content of this proof edition handbook was essentially the Constitution and By-Laws pamphlet, the Local Lodge Manual pamphlet, the Indian Ritual Costumes pamphlet and the Selection of Candidates and the Ordeal pamphlet. Also included in the proof edition was the “Dramatization of the Legend of the Lenni Lenape” developed by Tomkita Chara Lodge of Wausau, Wisconsin; the song of the Order; articles by H. Lloyd Nelson and George Mozealous; and charts of growth.

Newbery then sent the proof edition to 97 people for their critique. The response was very positive. Newbery used the feedback to re-edit the book, add illustrations and photographs, and prepare the OA Handbook for printing. The goal of the National Executive Committee was to have the handbook printed in time for distribution at the 1948 National Meeting, the first meeting as a fully integrated BSA program.

The first OA Handbook is distinctive because the paperback cover has a simple design using the oversized letters “O” and “A” along with the words "Order" and "Arrow" along woth an Arrow. On the inside of the back page the printing code shows that 5,000 copies were printed in August 1948 however that number is in dispute.  On the second printing the word "Handbook" appears along the top.  A red hardbound edition was also published.


15th National Meeting / First NOAC

The 1948 National Meeting ushered in a new era. The meeting was held at the University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana. This was the first of many national OA gatherings at the centrally located university. So-Aka-Gha-Gwa Lodge served as the host lodge and wore a distinctive neckerchief so all Arrowmen could identify them if in need of assistance.

1,100 – 1,200 delegates from 146 lodges were in attendance, both all-time highs. Founder E. Urner Goodman provided the opening keynote address. He noted that the Order now had 362 lodges, over 40,000 active members and more than 100,000 initiates since the beginning. For the first time since 1940 there were classes / discussion groups. 13 of them were offered to the delegates.

Regarding memorabilia, for the first time there was a patch. The silk-screened felt emblem was distributed one per delegate and they could not trade it at the conference if they wanted to eat, because it also served as their meal ticket. There was also a Swiss embroidered staff patch.

The big news at the meeting was the announcement in the great Indiana University Auditorium that the Order of the Arrow would now be completely a BSA program. This was a huge change and a surprise to many delegates.

While the patch and the program all call this event the 15th National Meeting, it is now convention to refer to it as the first NOAC. It is called a NOAC because of the new relationship with the BSA and the elements of the meeting were far more like a modern NOAC than a National or a Grand Lodge Meeting. It was the first gathering to be held at a university, to have more than 1,000 delegates or to have a patch. There was also the presentation of the OA Distinguished Service Award.

Gone was any business meeting of the delegates and gone were elections. The man who would have been the next National Chief instead became the first Chairman of the new National OA Committee. G. Kellock Hale Jr. was installed at the 1948 Meeting as the committee’s first Chairman even though his position had not been officially approved.


National OA Committee Formed

With the integration of the OA into the BSA reorganization of the national OA infra-structure was necessary. Gone was the old National Executive Committee and in was the new National Committee on the Order of the Arrow. The OA would report to the Director of Camping. That person in 1948 was Wes Klusmann. Klusmann had already served on the old National Executive Committee as the National Council BSA representative. His role would actually be about the same. The National Committee on the Order of the Arrow would be a sub-committee of the Committee on Camping and Special Event.

The OA’s representative on the Committee on Camping would be a new position, the OA National Secretary, a BSA paid Scout professional.

The President of the BSA with approval of the BSA National Executive Board appointed the National OA Committee and its Chairman. Committee members no longer would have to stand election at National Meetings. Essentially the National Executive Committee was transferred to the National OA Committee. The initial National OA Committee had 10 members, including the Chairman, each representing one or two of the twelve Scout regions. Two BSA representatives, Wes Klusmann and E. Urner Goodman would complete the committee. Now that the BSA had assumed complete control of the OA, the leadership of the Order under the National OA Committee would increasingly have fewer Scout professionals. Scouters would now be the ones running the Order.


DSA Created

Due to the success and growth of the Order throughout the nation, the National Executive Committee adopted a new award to acknowledge members who had played integral roles for this important expansion, their belief in program, and their commitment to plan and promote early area and national meetings.

At the 1940 National Meeting, held at Camp Twin Echo, National Secretary H. Lloyd Nelson formally introduced the award to attendees. Former National Chief Joseph H. Brinton who served as the selection committee chairman reported,

The success of the Order of the Arrow today is due to the services of a great many Brothers, past and present, who made this statement of our Ritual a reality. As one looks back through the 25-year history of the Order, he is more and more impressed with this fact.

The award was a cast silver arrowhead with an arrow aimed through it upward over the left shoulder, suspended on a dark green ribbon to serve as a reminder of the great outdoors in which the program was centered. The first selection committeemen were Joseph H. Brinton (1936 National Lodge Chief), Joseph A. Brunton (1938 National Lodge Chief, Chief Scout Executive from 1960-1967), and George W. Chapman (the first Chief of Wimachtendienk).

In the early years of the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) most of the recipients were either professional Scouters or adult members. The first 11 recipients with their original citation in the meeting minutes included:

Brother E. Urner Goodman from Bondville, VT:

As Founder of the Order of the Arrow, through his ability, wisdom, and foresight, his vision of service to others was transformed into a National Honor Brotherhood which has been a positive influence in the lives of the thousands of boys who have been members and which has helped to build better Scouting spirit in Scout camps. Ever willing, his sincere interest, his able judgment and his loyal cooperation have continued through the years.

Brother Carroll A. Edson from Springfield, MA:

As the Co-Founder of the Order of the Arrow, his interest, help and enthusiasm made a great contribution to the Founders’ vision. Through his leadership, the simple and essential plan of selection members was developed. His valued suggestions and able guidance provided the solid foundation on which the Order of today has grown.

Brother Dr. William M. Hinkle from Philadelphia, PA:

As Chairman of the Committee which prepared the first Ritual, his grasp of the nature of the Order is revealed in the beauty and simplicity of the original Rituals which he has left as a heritage and guide. A wise counselor whose sincere interest and honest effort meant much to the Order.

Brother William A. Stumpp from New York, NY:

As National Chief in the early years, he ably and successfully guided the National Lodge. His wise discretion and forceful perseverance were used in generous portions to advance the Order.

Brother Robert T. Henderson from Reading, PA:

His stimulating thoughts and inspiring leadership during the transition period from the Grand Council to the National Lodge were of inestimable value to the development of the organization of the Order. His contributions to the Rituals, especially the beautiful and significant closing ceremony were outstanding.

Brother Harvey A. Gordon from New York, NY (Posthumous):

As National Secretary for a long period during the early years of the Order, his valuable experience, untiring efforts, and mature judgment were of inestimable value. Steadfast, sincere, enthusiastic, his life was a symbol of service to others.

Brother Alfred C. Nichols, Jr. from New York, NY:

His leadership during a critical period in the life of the Order when he ably demonstrated his belief in and tirelessly worked for the preservation of the Order was outstanding. His continued service on a national basis is testimony of his early and complete acceptance of the statement, 'The servant of all is the greatest of all.'

Brother Joseph N. Pattison, III from Philadelphia, PA:

As National Treasurer for a long period which the Order grew considerably, thus increasing the service required, his tireless and unselfish efforts were of great assistance in furthering the Order. His cooperation in developing procedure, manuals, and sources of supplies has been of great value.

Brother Thomas G. Cairns from Philadelphia, PA:

As National Chief during the period of formal adoption of the Order by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, with complete revision of the entire organization and literature, his inspiring leadership and untiring efforts were exceptionally outstanding.

Brother James E. West from New York, NY:

By his constant emphasis of the importance of the Scout Oath and Law as a vital force in the lives of Scouts, and the recognition of this in the camping program, he unconsciously paved the way for the establishment of the Order. By his recognition and support by recommendation, the Order became an integral part of the program of Senior Scouting. His influence upon the thinking of the Order has helped to make it achieve national proportions.

Brother H. Lloyd Nelson from Philadelphia, PA:

He has served with distinction as National Secretary since 1933 and his untiring efforts have contributed greatly to its growth during this period. His intense interest, loyal cooperation, and wise counsel have always been outstanding.


200th Lodge Formed

On July 9, 1941, Echockotee Lodge of Jacksonville, Florida became the Order’s 200th Lodge. It had taken nearly 22 years for the Order to form it first 100 lodges. The Order added the second 100 in just over four.

1, OA, Scouting

H. Lloyd Nelson

Nelson started Scouting in Goodman’s old Troop 1 in Philadelphia. He was inducted into the Unami Lodge at Treasure Island in 1919. Nelson was in attendance at the 1921 First Meeting of the Grand Lodge. He served on the camp staff at Treasure Island Scout Reservation and served as the 1925 Lodge Chief of Unami Lodge. On September 17, 1925 H. Lloyd Nelson kept the 45th Vigil in the Order at Treasure Island during the Fifth Grand Lodge Meeting.

Nelson remained active in Scouting and the Order while attending the University of Pennsylvania and in 1933 was elected Grand Lodge Scribe. What was distinctive about Nelson from all other previous Grand Lodge officers was he was not a professional Scouter. Other Grand Lodge officers had been Scout Executives and Field Executives working in the Order in a volunteer capacity. This distinction gave insight to Nelson that other officers lacked. That insight and connection with non-Professional Arrowmen equipped Nelson well when as a national officer Thomas Cairns included him on the Transition Committee.

The Transition Committee became the National Executive Committee, which became the National OA Committee. Nelson served from 1933 until 1955 on these committees. The first nine years was as the Grand Lodge Scribe (which during Nelson’s tenure was also called the National Tribe Scribe, the National Lodge Scribe and finally the National Lodge Secretary.) In 1942 Nelson was selected as the National Chief, which in 1942 was the equivalent to today’s National OA Committee Chairman. Nelson served as Chief until 1946 and then continued on the National Executive Committee as Past Chief. From these leadership positions Nelson was instrumental in directing the Order of the Arrow in achieving it’s most significant goal of its first half century, full integration into the BSA in 1948.

In 1949 Nelson became the second National OA Committee Chairman and he served until his untimely death at the end of 1955. All of the Order mourned his death. In a special and unique tribute, a memorial was held in H. Lloyd Nelson’s honor at the 1956 NOAC in Bloomington Indiana. During the memorial instead of the traditional flowers, lodges placed their empty chief’s headdresses and bonnets on the stage.

1, OA, Profile, Scouting