1987 National Planning Meeting
The Section Chiefs gathered together in the Dallas Area for the National Planning Meeting. Starting with this meeting, the National Planning Meeting would be an annual affair and all national and regional officers would serve one-year terms. National officers had served one-year terms in the early days of the Grand Lodge from 1921- 1926, but those were adult positions and only distantly related to the youth leadership positions.
The primary reason why the meetings needed to be annual was the OA was and has been an ever-expanding program. More and more events were scheduled for non-NOAC years including increased participation in National Jamborees, High Adventure and Conservation.
Jeffrey Moser of Pellissippi Lodge, Knoxville, Tennessee was elected National Chief. Angelo Cappelli of Timuquan Lodge, St. Petersburg, Florida was elected National Vice Chief. Region Chiefs elected were John T. Gutkoski – Northeast Region, Skip Van Bloem – East Central Region, Chris Crews – South Central Region, James M. Alexander – Southeast Region, Steve Meinhold – North Central Region and Michael D. Celano – Western Region.