Ceremonies Principal Characters Change
Dateline: ---- Grand Lodge Bulletin, January 1, 1931.
Important! Attached to this bulletin is a very important list, which should receive consideration not only of the Supreme Chief of the Fire, but other members of the local lodge who may be interested. This is a sheet headed ‘Suggested Terminology for ORDER OF THE ARROW Officers.’ Please give this your earnest attention and write this office your opinion on it. The advantage of this list lies in the fact that all Indian names used are genuine, being taken from the LENNI-LENAPE dictionary. The term “Olomypees” and “Pow-Wow” are dropped because neither are Indian terms and are not found in the Delaware language.
The changes in “Suggested Terminology for Order of the Arrow Officers” were approved at the 1931 Grand Lodge Meeting and changed the Native American names for Grand Lodge and local lodge officers.
The “suggested terminology” name changes also impacted the ritual ceremonies. Principal characters had their names and lines changed. The Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies, which had previously featured as many as six principals, and the Vigil Honor ceremony, which previously had only one principal, were all standardized with four ceremonialists.
Allowat Sakima – Chief of the Fire
Meteu – Medicine Man
Nutiket – Guard
Kichkinet – Guide
The actual ceremonial content did not significantly change, however with the change in number of ceremonialists required a redistribution of lines and responsibilities.
The principal character changes have continued to the present time for Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies. The Vigil Honor ceremony returned to one significant principal when the ceremony was rewritten in 1940 (so that a lodge with only one Third Degree member could still conduct a Vigil Honor Ceremony.
3, Ceremonies, OA, Scouting